Asset | Econometrics is the study association for econometrics students in Tilburg. Since its foundation in 1979, it brings students in contact with each other by organizing fun activities and get-togethers. In addition, there are also interesting company days for senior students who want to orientate themselves on their careers and get in touch with companies. One of the highlights of the year is the international trip organized by students, which visited attractive destinations in recent years, such as Mexico City, Seoul, Hong Kong, Tokyo and Cape Town.
As a study association, Asset | Econometrics is also involved in the study of econometrics itself. There is close contact with the university and the Education Committee represents the interest of the students by evaluating the content of the courses with the university. Furthermore, Asset | Econometrics provides summaries and old exams to help students prepare for exams and there is of course a book discount.
Every econometrician from Tilburg is of course always welcome to visit one of the organized activities, but it is even more fun to help organizing one of them! By becoming active in one of our committees, you get to know students from all the different stages of the study and you get to work together with them on a great project. An Active Member Weekend is organized yearly, to thanks all committee members for their efforts. Besides all the fun, you will also learn a lot of organisational skills and it will boost your CV!
Asset | Econometrics also organizes activities especially for first year econometric students! At the beginning of the year, the Introduction Activity and the Freshmen Night are organized. These activities are the ideal opportunity to meet and get to know new fellow students. Throughout the year other informal activities are organized for first year students, but as a first year student you are of course also welcome at other events, such as our sports tournament and drinks.
For more information about the study Econometrics and Operations Research, or the corresponding masters, please visit our page on Tilburg University.
For more information about Asset | Econometrics or you can visit our website, Becoming a member is possible at, where you have to pick Asset | Econometrics as preference in the form.