Visit the LED website for more information on the best career event for econometricians!
The National Econometricians Day (in Dutch: Landelijke Econometristendag, abbreviated as LED) is the largest annual recruitment event for students in the fields of econometrics, operations research, data science, and actuarial sciences in The Netherlands. On this day, over 750 students get the opportunity to orientate themselves on their future careers and get in contact with their potential future employers.
LED 2024
Together with a wide range of companies, we provide interesting speakers, cases, and speeddate sessions to make this edition a networking event to remember! Do not miss out on the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to give your career a kick-start!
Stay tuned for an update about the location, date & registrations!
Please be aware that the LED might need to be held online. If you have purchased a ticket for the real-life event, your ticket is still valid and you are obligated to participate in this online event. However, the LOES can not guarantee a spot due to limited spots. If the real-life LED needs to be scaled down due to circumstances, we cannot guarantee that everybody who has purchased a ticket, can attend the event.
Who can participate?
The LED is aimed at all students in the fields of Econometrics, Operations Research, Data Science and Actuarial Sciences in the Netherlands in their third year or higher. In order to participate at the LED, you need to be a member of one of the six study associations for Econometrics and Operations Research in the Netherlands. If you are not a member yet, you can contact the study association at your university for more information.
To make sure that the LED is also open for international students, a lot of companies offer their cases in English. This is indicated by a British flag next to the case description. In order to keep the LED available for all students, we do not use CV selection.
The LED is an event of the National Institute of Study associations for Econometrics (in Dutch: Landelijke Orgaan der Econometrische Studieverenigingen, abbreviated as LOES). The LOES consists of the six study associations for econometrics in the Netherlands: Asset | Econometrics (Tilburg University), FAECTOR (Erasmus University Rotterdam), Kraket (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), Vectum (Maastricht University), VESTING (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen), and VSAE (University of Amsterdam). Each year, the LED is organized by members of one of these six study associations. The LED 2024 is organized by VESTING | Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.